
Showing posts from June, 2019

Google Coral Edge TPU 工具包通過代理商Gravitylink向全球銷售!

Coral是Google今年3月推出的AI智能硬件開發平臺,提供完整的本地 AI 工具包,可以輕鬆將用戶的想法從原型發展到生產:包含硬件組件、軟件工具和內容,從而幫助用戶在設備上本地創建、訓練和運行神經網絡。Coral 產品包括:全新 Coral Dev Board(單板計算機)、Coral USB Accelerator(USB 加速器)、Coral Camera(相機)已經在Google Coral Distributor 合作伙伴——Gravitylink的線上商城( )向全球銷售。價格分別為:$149.99、$74.99、$24.99。 “初露鋒芒”的 Edge TPU 究竟是什麼? 縱觀近年來國內外在 AIoT 領域的實踐,可以看出隨著 AI 算力在邊緣設備上逐漸增強,過去跑在雲端服務器的機器學習能力逐漸下沈到邊緣設備上(如手機、汽車等移動設備),這種現象逐漸成為 AIoT 的一種流行趨勢。Edge TPU 可以說是 Google 專為邊緣計算推出的一款 ASIC 芯片。 Edge TPU 尺寸約為1美分硬幣的1/8大小,它可以在較小的物理尺寸及功耗範圍內提供強勁的性能。其最大優勢,在於搭載該芯片的任意一款產品均可本地加速設備機器學習推理,這樣不僅可以保護隱私,消除對持久網絡連接的需要,更能減少延遲和耗能功率,最大限度發揮性能。 除此之外,內置 Edge TPU 的 Coral Dev Board 等產品完美支持 TensorFlow Lite 在設備上使用。作為專為移動和物聯網設備而設計的輕量級開源學習框架,TensorFlow Lite 目前已部署在全球超過20億臺設備上,越來越多原生 Google 應用和開發者團隊都在使用它。目的就是:減小 AI 模型的大小,在不同硬件中提高模型推理速度。 3款內置 Edge TPU 的在售硬件分別是哪些? Coral 在發布之初,發布了五種產品,幫助團隊從新產品開發到現有設計的增強,最終達到擴大生產規模。目前有三款產品已經可以購買: ·Coral Dev Board(單板計算機) Coral Dev Board 是一款搭載了 Edge TPU 的單板計算機,功能非常豐富。開發板分為 SOM 模塊和...

how to make your phone be smarter? with or without Coral Dev Board

I'd like to introduce a project of my team—— it's an app called Model Play( available on Google Play), that can run machine learning model on mobile phones, just like object detection, image classification and more. it's very fun to experience machine learning just buy our smartphones. More about Model Play: Model Play is a global platform for discovering, sharing, and experiencing easy to use machine learning models. The app built-in with a fast, simple, and small control tool that works with AI hardware, like Google Coral Dev Board. It allows running machine learning models with real-time performance entirely in a smartphone. In Model Play, users could subscribe, download, and submit their trained ML models, set models as paid or free for other users to download and get earnings by the models. Model Play offers an open, free, sharing platform, connects you with millions of global AI developers. It inspires and helps developers bring AI into more applications from...